Tuesday Practice Ruck

TBA - The location will change week to week.

To ensure everyone is well-prepared for Operation Iron Ruck, we're hosting practice rucks every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the event. These sessions aim to acclimate you to the ruck's weight, improve your stamina and offer a taste of the event's unique camaraderie.

Thursday Practice Ruck

TBA - The location will change week to week.

To ensure everyone is well-prepared for Operation Iron Ruck, we're hosting practice rucks every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the event. These sessions aim to acclimate you to the ruck's weight, improve your stamina and offer a taste of the event's unique camaraderie.

Tuesday Practice Ruck

TBA - The location will change week to week.

To ensure everyone is well-prepared for Operation Iron Ruck, we're hosting practice rucks every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the event. These sessions aim to acclimate you to the ruck's weight, improve your stamina and offer a taste of the event's unique camaraderie.

Thursday Practice Ruck

TBA - The location will change week to week.

To ensure everyone is well-prepared for Operation Iron Ruck, we're hosting practice rucks every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the event. These sessions aim to acclimate you to the ruck's weight, improve your stamina and offer a taste of the event's unique camaraderie.

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